I’m Determined to RISE

According to Webster, determined is defined as “to resolve, reaching a decision, showing determination.” That word is easy to comprehend but not so easy to put into action. What recent task did you want to accomplish but didn’t? Was it because of a lack of motivation, support, energy, or something else? Whatever the reason, it’sContinue reading “I’m Determined to RISE”

Take It Back

A few weeks ago, we hosted another “Shop Talk” – Real Men with Real Conversations session in Williamsburg, Virginia- a great success! During the session, I shared with the men a trauma I experienced at 12 that touched their hearts. One of them, Johnny Mallory, shared this writing with me a few days ago fromContinue reading “Take It Back”

It’s a New Season

While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease. (Genesis 8:22) Welcome to a New Season! Many, like me, are excited to welcome the Fall, as it’s a time of vibrant color, changing scenarios, releasing, reaping, and planning. Spiritually speaking, Fall represents the harvest time of year.Continue reading “It’s a New Season”

The Believer’s Authority

It’s apparent that many people today have fallen victim to circumstances and situations, and forgotten that they have AUTHORITY! This video segment from “Spiritual Breakfast” with guest, Dr. Sherry Woodhouse, discusses our power and authority to overcome. https://www.facebook.com/1521266272/videos/419718206832873/


With so much changing in our society today, it’s hard to imagine the concept of consistency. As challenging as it may seem, this is a season where being consistent in pursuing purpose is paramount. What does it mean to be consistent? According to Oxford Languages, it’s defined as, “acting or done in the same wayContinue reading “CONSISTENTCY”

Women’s History Month

What an honor to be amongst these phenomenal worldwide women! Someone asked me, “How did you get on that list?”. I almost took offense but then began to chuckle as I responded, “I’m good like that!” ☺️ The truth is, I was honored to be on this list because I showed up! This issue focusesContinue reading “Women’s History Month”

Can I Get a Refill

Greetings to each of you! I am hopeful that you’re having a purposeful day, with plans for an intentional future. Today, I’m sharing my personal lament! I need a REFILL! I know someone is saying, “Valerie, you’re not alone”, while others may be chuckling at the thought. Trust me, it doesn’t matter what side ofContinue reading “Can I Get a Refill”

Reality Check

Who am I?  Have you ever asked yourself that question? I hope I’m not the only one.  I know who I am honestly, but these last few days have prompted me to have another Reality Check.  I had a self-love conversation with myself, and the first question was, “What if…..?”. That question triggered thoughts ofContinue reading “Reality Check”

Last Words

Very different, from any other time in my life, loss of family and friends has sadly become a frequent event. From the transition of my sister in June, until now – I’ve comforted more family and friends that I’d admittedly desired – but did it because I cared. The thought that keeps playing in myContinue reading “Last Words”

My Silent Killer

You’re always looking at me, the glare in your eyes of disdain, what do you want from me? Haven’t you already taken enough from me! Just look at yourself, look at the mess that you’ve caused – you know these things that happened to you are youre fault. You see my pain, yet you insistContinue reading “My Silent Killer”