Silence the Noise of Doubt

Who is making that DOUBT Noise? Whoever it is, even if it’s you, it’s time to silence it. Ask yourself this question, “Is the doubt realistic, or is it emotional?” What we often fail to see is that doubt can be silenced, simply by acting. That’s right – just put action to your thought orContinue reading “Silence the Noise of Doubt”

Imagine and LIVE!

Do you still imagine? Merriam-Webster defines it as” to form a mental image of (something not present)” as a transitive verb. Imagining requires our ability to think and see. What are you thinking? Does it enable you to visualize a successful and prosperous future, or does what you see limit you? Today, remind yourself that you’re a winner. Continue reading “Imagine and LIVE!”

Barriers to Success

2020 is proving to be a beast of a year!  Many people and businesses are experiencing tremendous loss due to COVID-19.   Now, don’t get me wrong, I am personally aware of the effects of the virus and the toll that it’s taken on my family and me, but I can’t lay all the blame onContinue reading “Barriers to Success”

Don’t Give Up

Today, you may be questioning if things are going to get better? I say, “YES, they will”! Having endurance, patience, and vision are essential components for succes in this hour – and you have the capacity to make it happen. If there are some adjustments that need to take place, make the adjustment. If thereContinue reading “Don’t Give Up”

Is Knowledge and Experience Enough?

As a Coach and Counselor, I often attend seminars, join FB groups, attend conferences, and read blogs to get the most recent information and trends for achieving success in my business. I hear others sharing that they have the degrees, the certifications, funnels, lists, and offers – and still don’t get the clients.  They mayContinue reading “Is Knowledge and Experience Enough?”

Intentional Movement

The steps of a man/woman are ordered by the LORD who takes delight in his/her journey. (Psalm 37:23 – MSG) Do you ever find yourself wandering, with no destination in mind? It happens often when we’re not being led by purpose, but being guided by emotions. Today, I want you to pause your movement for just aContinue reading “Intentional Movement”

The Stretch Is a Part of the Process

I’m not a rubberband or pizza dough, so why am I feeling STRETCHED? Stretching is a part of our process of becoming. Our capacity increases along with the propensity to excute our purpose on a larger scale. If you desire more from your life, expect the stretch. If you’re content where you are – IContinue reading “The Stretch Is a Part of the Process”


This photo was taken with my kings in 2017 after the weekly chapel, and it feels like yesterday. As Character Coach for Bluefield College Men’s Basketball, I am often asked why I do what I do, and my response never changes. I realize that I’m more interested in making an IMPACT in the lives ofContinue reading “Impact”

The Journey

This is a photo of a beautiful sunset that I experienced in Eldoret, Kenya a few weeks ago; breathtaking, humbling, majestic, stimulating! My journey to Kenya was ordained by God, I have no doubt. It presented opportunity for inward reflection, correction, and growth. This journey pushed me to another level in obedience to God’s planContinue reading “The Journey”

Strong Finish

It’s a New Month, New Quarter, New Season, and hopefully and New Mindset emerging in each of you engaging with this post. What have you done thus far to ensure that you’re going me meet your goals? Of course we had those BIG goals for the year, but today, I want you to consider thatContinue reading “Strong Finish”