Don’t STOP!

What have you told yourself about your purpose today? Have you even had that conversation? Today, like no other day, is the day of manifestation! Go ahead and tell yourself, “TODAY I WILL EXPERIENCE MANIFESTATION”, and it will happen because today, you’re not going to STOP. Life throws many opportunites our way, I know itContinue reading “Don’t STOP!”

Silence the Noise of Doubt

Who is making that DOUBT Noise? Whoever it is, even if it’s you, it’s time to silence it. Ask yourself this question, “Is the doubt realistic, or is it emotional?” What we often fail to see is that doubt can be silenced, simply by acting. That’s right – just put action to your thought orContinue reading “Silence the Noise of Doubt”

Don’t Give Up

Today, you may be questioning if things are going to get better? I say, “YES, they will”! Having endurance, patience, and vision are essential components for succes in this hour – and you have the capacity to make it happen. If there are some adjustments that need to take place, make the adjustment. If thereContinue reading “Don’t Give Up”